For over 30 years, the climbing play helicopter has been a beloved feature, sparking hours of fun and fueling creative play for countless children. However, after decades of service, the time has come for us to say goodbye. In recent years, the helicopter has faced some challenges. As it began to rust, we had to...
Author: Daniel Davidson (Daniel Davidson)
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Easter Holidays 2024
Our Easter Holidays were a whirlwind of excitement and adventure for children from Rochdale and Rossendale. Despite the wet and windy weather, we ventured outdoors to our adventure playground for fun and games. We welcomed Daz and his menagerie of adorable creatures. The children’s eyes sparkled as they learned about a mesmerizing array of furry...
New ponds for Moorland Home
Over the past year, we have been working with Rochdale Council to develop a natural flood management scheme. The scheme aims to slow the water flow off the Moors in Rochdale and ultimately reduce the likely hood of Rochdale flooding. The scheme, funded by the Environment Agency, will install 3 ponds, plant trees and plants...
Over the Edge charity bike ride returns supporting us
On 22 May 2022, over 400 riders of all ages and experience levels will take on ‘Rochdale’s ultimate cycling challenge’ to raise money for us and another charity, Jolly Josh. Organised by Rochdale Round Table, riders will embark on either the bronze, silver or gold routes. All routes begin from Littleborough RUFC at Hollingworth Lake,...
We’re back open!
We are delighted to say we reopened at the beginning of May and have been able to welcome back schools to benefit from our facilities. Hopefully, we will soon welcome some deserving children to come on holiday with us during the school holidays for an action packed week! We have our Covid-19 secure practices and...
Rainbows sleep over raises funds
On Saturday 16th May, Rochdale’s 41st Rainbows were meant to have had their annual sleepover at Rochdale Children’s Moorland Home but due to Covid-19 that couldn’t happen, well, not at Moorland Home. But the rainbows leaders didn’t let that stop the fun. They planned a fun virtual sleep over instead. The children taking part got...